This blog is my Perspective and Outlook (invited) that appears in the
Internet of Anything (IoA) theme issue of IEEE CS IT Professional May-June issue, guest edited by Irena Bojanova, Jeff Voas, George Hurlburt. Video to go along with this article (same content) is here.
Everyone reading
this will be aware of the explosive growth of sensors and devices that
communicate, or the Internet of Things—IoTs for short. IoTs now cover virtually
every aspect of human interests and existence. They are within our body, on our
body, observing our activities, monitoring and reporting on our appliances,
houses, and buildings, our cars and environment, and many facets of our cities,
planet, ocean, and space. They are starting to play a role in our health,
fitness and well-being, our comfort and entertainment, our financial activities,
and many other facts of life.
The pace of
developing new types of sensors and devices is quite rapid already. Data that
IoTs create is accessible through the Internet, so accessing and delivering
this data is not a big challenge. However, since 2008 we have lost the capacity
to store all the data we generate. Therefore, there is one particular challenge
we face: Do we have the capacity to analyze all this data in a timely manner in
order to determine if the data is of interest/value to anyone for a specific purpose?
According to one estimate, only 0.5% of all data gets analyzed today, and that
figure is certain to go down!
There are some
near-term interoperability and middleware challenges to achieving
interoperability at the device, networking, and data exchange levels. These issues
can be addressed based on our experiences with similar challenges from the
past. For example, Samsung and Google’s collaboration on a low-power wireless network called Thread uses
Bluetooth Smart to connect one device to another. Samsung, Dell, and Intel’s effort on the Open Interconnect Consortium is
working to connect any device with one another, regardless of the operating system, connection provider, or form factor.
However, the challenge of interoperating and integrating the data and information
is more the important and more demanding task. To that end, one effort called Semantic Gateway as
Service (SGS) [1] allows for translation between a variety
of IoT messaging protocols in current use, such as XMPP, CoAP and MQTT. Another
important interoperability capability is provided by W3C's Semantic Sensor Network [2] (SSN) ontology and annotation framework. It is useful to describe any sensor/device and its data in a standard form and support semantic annotations of sensor data, making that data more meaningful.
In essence, this provides semantic interoperability between messages carrying
IoT data. W3C has paired up with the Open Geospatial Consortium to make an
international standard with SSN as the primary input.
Even a bigger
challenge will be for those who are recipients of all this data—both humans and machines, including software agents. How would all this
data find it’s way to those who can consume and benefit from this data in a
timely manner? How could we prevent massive data and information overload?
everyone is looking for everything to be smart. We have all heard of the terms smart
watch, smart home, smart building, smart car, smart city, smart grid, and smart
nation.) IoT technology will play a crucial role for all of these. After all, as
Tim O’Reilly notes, IoT is more
about human augmentation [3], or about Computing for Human Experience [4], a term I had used.
I would add to
IoT data, all the data, collective intelligence (as in Wikipedia), and
knowledge we find on the Web, as well as relevant explicit or implicit social
interactions, including those enabled by social media. Collectively, what we
have is physical,
cyber, and social data ( that all play a role in helping humans gain better insights and
actionable intelligence.
Humans are ill-equipped
to deal with the massive amounts of data coming their way. What we need is highly contextualized and
personalized information that is also actionable. I call this Smart Data ( a term
initially proposed in 2004 but which is increasingly making sense in conveying
how all the volume, variety, velocity, and veracity challenges of physical,
cyber, social Big Data needs to be managed to derive value out of them.
By marrying
Smart Data with IoT, we will get Smart IoT. Such Smart IoTs would then take up a
role as a human agent, or become a human extension and human complement.
Consider the human brain’s ability to simultaneously and in real-time consume
data of different modalities, such as text, images, speech, and video, then
process it using his/her knowledge, experiences, and preferences to achieve
what we call human cognition and perception.
As our ability
to create Smart Data advances, we will similarly see more abilities on the part
of machines to intelligently filter just that data which is needed to meet its
human master’s needs, assimilate all forms of contextually relevant data,
personalize it by factoring in a user’s preferences and needs, and present the
results at a level of abstraction that is ready for a human to act upon.
Initially we
will see more intelligence in the computing environment that will process IoT
data, but eventually we will see IoTs themselves becoming smart or intelligent,
complementing some of the exciting advances we see now in robotics. So here is the take away:
IoT and AI, especially
semantic, cognitive, and perceptual computing will come together to create
Smart IoT that will act as a human agent, human extension, and human
[1] P.
Desai, A.
Sheth, P.
Anantharam, Semantic Gateway as a Service architecture
for IoT Interoperability, arxiv, Oct 18, 2014,
[2] M. Compton, et. al. The SSN ontology of the W3C semantic sensornetwork incubator group, Journal of Web Semantics, Volume 17, December 2012.
[3] T. O’Reilly, #IoTH: The Internet of Things and Humans, O’Reilly
Radar, April 16, 2014.
[4] A. Sheth, "Computing for Human Experience: Semantics-Empowered
Sensors, Services, and Social Computing on the Ubiquitous Web", IEEE
Internet Computing, 14(1), January/February 2010, doi:10.1109/MIC.2010.4
Citation: Ram D. Sriram, Amit Sheth, "Internet of Things Perspectives", IT Professional, vol.17, no. 3, pp. 60-63, May-June 2015, doi:10.1109/MITP.2015.43
Other material on related topics:
- Smart Data: Transforming Big Data into Smart Data...
- Smart IoT for connected manufacturing
- Historic use of the term Smart Data (2004)
p.s.: A follow on to this post can be found here:
Internet of Things to Smart IoT Through Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31 (2), Mar/Apr 2016.